Mitacs Accelerate Program
For More Information
Mitacs Accelerate Program Information [1]
Mitacs Update - Accelerate Internship Units still available for 2024/25 [2]
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Mitacs Accelerate allows students to work closely with a partner organization and faculty supervisor, using the latest tools and techniques available to them in both academic and industrial settings. Projects are a cost-shared model with Mitacs through the support of federal and provincial governments, matching the industry partners or non-for-profit (NFP) organizations' contributions.
- Students and postdoctoral fellows at Mitacs partner colleges and universities in Canada. Postdoctoral fellows are eligible if the date of graduation from a PhD program is less than five years from the proposed start date of the project. Exceptions are available for extenuating circumstances such as parental leave or military service. Fellows must not have been employed full-time at the partner organization prior to applying.
- Recent graduates (must be within two years of graduation at the start of their project) and non-degree students (diploma, certificate, etc.) are eligible at the academic institution’s discretion. Any interested applicants should check with their institution to first determine whether they are able to support other types of university students before drafting an application.
- Visiting students and researchers at Canadian academic institutions who are completing a degree at a university abroad may also be eligible at the discretion of the Canadian institution.
- Interns who meet the criteria above (students, postdoctoral fellows and recent grads) may be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, international students (with a student visa) or international postdoctoral fellows (with a valid work permit). Interns must be 18 years old or older.
- All academic disciplines.
- Academic supervisors are eligible if they are faculty at a Canadian academic institution who are eligible to hold Tri-Agency funds.
- For-profit corporations and eligible not-for-profit corporations, municipalities, and hospitals in Canada.
For-profit businesses and not-for-profit corporations operating outside of Canada are eligible as additional partners on projects with a Canadian partner organization.
- Interns may interact remotely with an international partner organization and/or travel to interact in person.
- Any travel must be in accordance with their Canadian academic institution’s policies on international travel.
Maximum Project Value
Interns are provided with a stipend/salary starting at $10,000 per four-month period. Typically, internships are approved for a total of $15,000, including a minimum $10,000 stipend and maximum $5,000 in research costs with $7,500 coming from the industry partner matched with $7,500 from Mitacs.
Project Duration
Master’s students can complete up to six internship units. PhD students can complete up to twelve internship units. Postdoctoral fellows can complete up to nine internship units. Undergraduate students and recent graduates can complete up to three internship units. Each 'internship unit' is designated as four months.
Note: There is an eight to ten-week peer review prior to approval for internship start.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. OR-5 form and complete application package (proposal documentation with all participant signatures) must be submitted to the Research Services Office ( [6]) a minimum of one week prior to the intended submission date to Mitacs. |
External Deadline | Applicant submits full application, including signed memorandum, directly to Mitacs Advisor. The submission must be planned at least eight to ten weeks in advance of the proposed internship start date. |
How to Apply
1. Review the following information found on the Mitacs Accelerate web page [7] before you begin writing your proposal:
- Mitacs Responsible Conduct of Research Policy (to be found under “Mitacs Terms, Conditions & Policies”, including information on eligible research)
- Writing Your Proposal guide (under “Application”)
- Other policies if applicable (including Mitacs Indigenous Research Policy, Research Security Plan, etc.)
2. Before initiating an Accelerate application, please contact your Mitacs Advisor to determine the right application process for your project.
3. Receive feedback on your proposal from all participants and your Mitacs Advisor.
4. Collect all the required signatures: intern(s), professor(s), partner contact, and the Research Services Office.
5. Work with your Mitacs Advisor to submit your application to Mitacs.
Application Timeline
How it works:
1. Application Submission (Anytime) - Mitacs invoices partner -> Partner sends funds to Mitacs -> Mitacs (funding timelines are subject to the receipt of partner funds) sends award to university -> University administers award
2. Application Review (6 to 8 weeks *For up to 5 internships. Contact your Mitacs Advisor about review timelines for 6+ internships)
3. Project Approval
4. Project Launch
5. Project Completion (Minimum 4 Months)
6. Final Report & Exit Survey (1 Month)