OMAFRA Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program 2021
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Agri-Tech Innovation Cost Share Program [1]
Recognizing the importance of keeping Ontario's agri-food sector strong through the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Agri-Tech Innovation cost-share program will support the modernization of workplaces, by funding projects to implement advanced or innovative technology (such as automation and robotics), that will enhance the protection of workers health and safety against COVID-19, lead to business efficiencies and productivity, and help build the sector's resilience.
Projects will focus on those businesses within the sector that are at the highest risk of potential COVID-19 exposure and transmission.
At this time, funding is available through the Innovators [2] category. This category provides funding for larger scale projects that support innovators through collaborations between Agri-food businesses, commodity organizations and/or agri-food technology providers that want to work collaboratively to pilot or demonstrate technology innovations. These projects will in turn present significant innovation to the sector or to Ontario in mitigating potential COVID-19 exposure and transmission risks among agri-food workers, leading to the sector's increased efficiency and productivity.
Please review Program Category Description - Innovators [2] to see who can apply and eligible project partners collaborating on a project.
Funding Availability
Applicants may apply for up to 60% of eligible costs, to a maximum of $750,000.
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
An eligible project cannot start prior to the date that OMAFRA approves the project. Projects must be implemented and completed no later November 30, 2022.
Special Notes
Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page [3].
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | This program will have a two-week internal review period. Please submit your application, along with an OR-5 Form to [4]. | |
External Deadline | Applicants must submit a completed application using the electronic application form with all required documentation by email to [5]. |
How to Apply
Application Process
- Applicants must submit a completed application using the electronic application form with all required documentation by email to [5]
- Applicants need to access the application form [6] and the Partner Declaration [7]
- This form must be filled out using Adobe Acrobat Reader
- The application and required documentation must be submitted by September 27, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. EDT. Late submissions will not be accepted.
- All complete applications will be reviewed, and decisions communicated to the lead entity.
Required Documentation to Support Application
- Partner Declaration form for each of the project partner
- Quote(s) to support project costs such as: eligible technology or equipment and, if applicable, the software necessary for technology integration
- Quote(s) or proposal(s) from third-party organizations or consultants, detailing services to be provided, and costs
- Evidence to demonstrate how the project meets the definition(s) of Innovation
- For projects over $350,000, confirmation/evidence of financial capacity to cash flow the project such as bank letters indicating sufficient resources to cash flow project
- Letters of support for the project from potential end-users of the innovation of the project (optional)