Results Driven Agriculture Research: Accelerating Agricultural Innovations
Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR)
R [1]DAR [1] Accelerating Agricultural Innovations - Call for Proposals March 2021 [1]
Accelerating Agricultural Innovations
RDAR is funding agricultural research that will drive real benefits for producers in the barn and on the field. Researchers can count on RDAR to provide predictable funding for leading-edge agriculture projects.
Through this call, RDAR will fund research and knowledge transfer and translation projects aimed at accelerating agricultural innovations in the livestock and crop industries in Alberta.
Research Priorities
Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) has identified four research priorities. These four research priorities were identified through the engagement sessions RDAR initiated with its Advisory Committee consisting of producer associations, commissions, marketing boards, applied research associations, and Alberta’s post-secondary institutions.
Please review the RDAR 2021 Research Priorities [2].
Funding will be available to those incorporated organizations that directly and/or indirectly participate in the service and development of Alberta’s livestock or crop industry, provided that such organizations are in good standing and not in default under any other agreements or programs with RDAR.
Eligible applicants include but are not limited to:
- Marketing boards and commissions established under Alberta’s Marketing of Agricultural Products Act
- Educational institutions including universities, colleges, and technical schools
- Provincial government organizations and agencies
- Incorporated non-profit agricultural associations representing Alberta’s agriculture producers
Funding Availability
The Program provides grants on a cost-shared basis to cover eligible expenses for approved projects for each applicant up to a maximum of $750,000 in any April 1-March 31st period.
Eligible expenses will be cost-shared as follows:
a) Eligible non-capital expenses will be cost shared at 50% grant and 50% Applicant; and
b) Eligible capital expenses will be cost-shared at 20% grant and 80% Applicant.
In-kind contributions are not payable under the grant, but in-kind contributions may be considered by RDAR as part of the Applicant’s required contribution subject to the following:
a) In-kind contributions have the same financial review procedures as other Eligible Expenses and must be adequately documented to the satisfaction of RDAR; and
b) RDAR has the absolute discretion to reduce or reject any in-kind contribution if RDAR is not satisfied that the in-kind contribution is reasonable and properly verified.
Funding received through any Canadian Agricultural Partnership programs or other RDAR funding may not be used towards the cost-share requirements.
Please review the Program Guidelines Document [3] for a full list of eligible and ineligible expenses.
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
Projects with short term to medium term priorities and ending on December 31, 2022 are encouraged. Projects that extend to 3 years will be considered, subject to budget availability.
Special Notes
Conditions of Funding
All proposals are subject to review and approval by RDAR in accordance with RDAR’s research review policies and procedures. All decisions by RDAR are final. Payment of funds to successful applicants is conditional on the applicant entering into an Investment Agreement with RDAR in a form acceptable to RDAR.
Funding Collaboration
RDAR may share the submitted proposal with other potentially interested Alberta-based funders if approved to do so in the application process. Applicants will be asked a question during the electronic submission process that provides this approval. Applicants not wanting their proposal shared with other funders must contact RDAR to discuss before submitting their proposal. RDAR may consider proposals received into this call for proposals within our funding opportunities.
Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page [4].
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | First Intake Please submit your proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to [5]. | |
External Deadline | First Intake Applications will be accepted only through the online application system [6] under the 2021 RDAR Accelerating Agricultural Innovations call for proposals. Letters of Commitment/Support, if available, can be attached in the online application system before submission. | |
Internal Deadline | Second Intake Please submit your proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to [5]. | |
External Deadline | Second Intake Applications will be accepted only through the online application system [6] under the 2021 RDAR Accelerating Agricultural Innovations call for proposals. Letters of Commitment/Support, if available, can be attached in the online application system before submission. |
How to Apply
Expression of Interest (optional)
If you would like to apply for this call for proposals, you are invited to send a brief expression of interest (EOI) by email to [7] outlining:
- Project title
- Project team
- Brief project summary
- Estimated budget
- Start and end date
Submission of a full proposal is not dependent on an EOI, but signals to RDAR of the forthcoming application for planning purposes. RDAR will review the EOIs and reach out to the applicant subject to time availability.
Full Proposal
Applications will be accepted only through the online application system [6] by clicking here under the 2021 RDAR Accelerating Agricultural Innovations call for proposals. Letters of Commitment/Support, if available, can be attached in the online application system before submission.