Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute 2017-18 Additional Programmes Open (India Office)
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI)
Shastri-Canada and Shastri-India 2017-2018 Programmes (India Office)
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute through its India Office is pleased to announce three new programmes for the year 2017-18, namely:
- Shastri Programme Development Grant (SPDG)
- Shastri Membership Development Grant (SMDG)
- Shastri Publication Grant (SPG)
Shastri Programme Development Grant (SPDG) and Shastri Publication Grant (SPG) are competitive grants. However, Shastri Membership Development Grant (SMDG) is on first come first served basis (five SMDGs should be awarded in this year).
Applications are sought from all domains of studies like Social Sciences and Humanities, Arts, Commerce & Management and STEM subjects. However, applications are encouraged in the focus areas of SICI and priority areas [1] of MHRD, Govt. of India, i.e. Food Security and Sustainable Development, Water Resource Management, Gender, Bi-lateral Trade and Investment, Energy and Environmental Sciences, Securing Future of Children and Youth, Higher Education, Agricultural Science & Technology, Teacher Education and Training, Health Sciences, Nursing, Marine Sciences and Ocean Studies.
The Shastri Programme Development Grant is open until August 31st 2017 while the other two grants i.e. Shastri Membership Development Grant (SMDG), Shastri Publication Grant (SPG) are open throughout the year.
The details of the programmes are available at the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute [2]. Please follow the link provided here to access Programme information directly [3].
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Deadline applies to Shastri Programme Development Grant (SPDG) only: Please submit a signed OR-5 and complete application package, clearly indicating the program you are applying for, to [4]. Shastri Membership Development Grant (SMDG), Shastri Publication Grant (SPG) are open throughout the year. Researchers must submit their signed OR-5 and complete application package 1 week before their intended submission to Shastri. | |
External Deadline | Please submit the complete application package directly to the Shastri Institute. |