Skills for Research Impact: Approaches to KMb - Examples from UofG
Date |
Tuesday October 11, 2022 1:00pm to 2:30pm |
How can you share research and engage with non-academic audiences? During this workshop, you will hear from a panel of projects and programs here at the University of Guelph about their approaches to knowledge mobilization (KMb). Speakers from across sectors will discuss their strategies for engaging stakeholders, mobilizing knowledge and planning for impact.
By the end of this workshop, participants will have learned about:
- Approaches to stakeholder engagement and knowledge mobilization from several projects and programs at U of G
- Lessons learned about best practices in knowledge mobilization
- Useful resources for knowledge mobilization at U of G
Register for the Approaches to KMb session
Facilitated by Elizabeth Shantz, Knowledge Mobilization Manager at the Research Innovation Office, and featuring guest speakers from three different U of G research projects
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