Update: Ontario Research Fund and Early Researcher Award
Formerly Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT), now the Data, Research and Innovation Division, Ministry of Colleges and Universities
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry is implementing a series of temporary policy and procedural amendments to support researchers currently receiving funding from Ontario Research Fund (ORF) and Early Researcher Award (ERA) programs:
- The Ministry recognizes that in some cases costs may have be incurred related to salaries or stipends for individuals that have been recommended or required to self-isolate, and/or may be unable to work or telework for reasons related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Provided these expenses would otherwise have been eligible to be paid out of an existing ORF or ERA grant, these can be paid from current project funds.
- Any ORF and ERA projects with annual and/or financial reporting due dates between April 1, 2020 and July 31, 2020 will have the deadline extended to September 30, 2020.
- Travel cancellation/rescheduling costs resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak are eligible project expenditures within the contracted funding allocation. The Ministry will continue to assess what other unanticipated project costs will be considered eligible.
- The Ministry recognizes that communications with private sector partners (PSPs) may be difficult at this time. If this is impacting your project’s financial reporting, please contact stratprg@uoguelph.ca [1] and Shaun Wilson [2] (Research Financial Services). They will reach out to the appropriate Ministry program representative to discuss.