AAC- Growing Forward 2 Program
Agricultural Adaptation Council
Growing Forward 2- Cost Sharing Funding Assistance – Organizations and Collaboration
For More Information
Please visit the AAC-GF2 program’s website [1] for:
- Program guidelines [2]
- GF2 Pre-Proposal [3]
- GF2 Application form [4]
- GF2 Application Work Plan and Budget [5]
Growing Forward 2 (GF2) is a five-year commitment by Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments to encourage innovation, competitiveness and market development, adaptability and industry sustainability in Canada's agri-food and agri-based bioproducts sector.
In Ontario, GF2 will help agri-food and agri-based bioproducts producers, processors, organizations and collaborations expand markets, manage shared risks and grow their profits through cost-share programs for projects in key areas.
Organizations |
Collaborations |
Organizations are any not-for-profit, Ontario-based, (located in Ontario and/or, where applicable, represent members primarily located in Ontario) legally recognized entities that are involved in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based bioproducts sector and are capable of entering into a contract. Academic/research institutions are not eligible to apply as lead applicants. |
Collaborations are combinations of two, or more, legally recognized entities in the agriculture, agri-food or agri-based bioproducts sector that are primarily located in Ontario. Entities may include, but are not limited to: for-profit businesses, not-for-profit associations/organizations, and/or academic/research institutions. Academic/research institutions are not eligible to apply as lead applicants. |
Funding Availability
Under GF2, organizations and collaborations can apply for cost-share funding.
GF2 may provide:
- up to 50 per cent funding of total eligible costs
- funding requests above 50 per cent must demonstrate how the project is innovative, according to the innovation criteria in Section N, and may receive up to 75 per cent funding of total eligible costs
Indirect Costs