Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - Species at Risk Stewardship Fund 2015
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
This fund was created under the endangered species act to encourage people to get involved in protecting and recovering species at risk thru Stewardship activities.
Special Notes
Refer to the call for proposal website listing for a list of at risk species. http://www.ontario.ca/page/grants-protecting-species-risk [1]
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Include a signed OR5 form with your proposal and submit it by email to resserv@uoguelph.ca
| |
External Deadline | The electronic copy of the application package must be received by the deadline. |
How to Apply
Application Portal and Application Guidelines:
https://www.sps.mnr.gov.on.ca/ [2]
http://www.ontario.ca/document/species-risk-stewardship-fund-application-guidelines [3]