Advancing Water Technologies program
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev), administered by the Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC)
Advancing Water Technologies (AWT)
For More Information
For additional information, please visit the Advancing Water Technologies (AWT) Program [1] websites for:
- Program Guidelines
- Project Intake Form
- Industry Contribution Guidelines
- Travel Expense Policy
- IP Policy
The Advancing Water Technologies (AWT) Program [1] is a brand new catalyst for business-led collaborations in the water sector. It was created by the Southern Ontario Water Consortium to help Ontario small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) leverage world-class research facilities and academic expertise to develop and demonstrate water technologies for successful introduction to the market. AWT provides financial contributions to industry-led research and development projects in the water sector that will result in the successful commercialization of globally-competitive and market-ready products and services. AWT will support existing industry-academic partnerships and actively encourage and develop new ones.
Industry Partner (For-Profit Collaborator)
An Industry Partner must be a Canadian registered for-profit company operating under the laws of Ontario or Canada, with a minimum of two full-time employees or be in operation for a minimum of two years. The Industry Partner must be located in southern Ontario [2] and must demonstrate that economic benefits (e.g. jobs) will accrue to southern Ontario as a result of the AWT Program contribution to the project.
Academic Partner
To be eligible, academic researchers must hold an academic appointment and be eligible to hold research funds at their respective SOWC [1] member post-secondary institution.
Maximum Project Value
The AWT Program will provide reimbursement of up to $100,000 CAD towards eligible project costs [3]. Requests for contributions of more than $100,000 CAD may be considered. Industry Partners are required to provide a 1:1 matching contribution (Cash or cash-equivalent, or a combination of both, will be accepted) on the AWT Program funding to the project, for a total project value of $200,000.
Indirect Costs
No indirect costs are required on the amount requested from the AWT Program or the matching industry contribution, however, additional facility access fees may apply to applicants utilizing SOWC’s research facilities/infrastructure, located across SOWC’s partner organizations.
Project Duration
Projects are expected to be up to 12-months in duration. Projects of a longer duration (up to a maximum of 2 years) may be approved, with adequate justification. All eligible AWT Program project expenses must be incurred by December 31, 2018.
Special Notes
Internal Deadline
To Office of Research Services: Please submit your application/proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to [4] 10 days in advance of your anticipated submission to the sponsor.
External Deadline
To sponsor: AWT is a three-year program. Applications will be accepted on an on-going basis until December 31, 2017.
How to Apply
Step 1: Interested applicants must first complete the Project Preliminary Intake Form [1]. Intake forms will be reviewed internally against program guidelines.
Step 2: Full applications will be accepted by invitation only. All applicants will be required to submit a completed AWT Program application form. It is recommended that the Industry Applicant and the Academic Applicant jointly complete the application. The application form will be provided to applicants once they have received an invitation to apply.