Letter of Intent - Seeding Food Innovation Grants 2016
George Weston Limited and Loblaw Companies Limited
Seeding Food Innovation Grants 2016 – Letter of Intent
For More Information
- Letter of Intent [1]
- Funding Guidelines [2]
George Weston Limited and Loblaw Companies Limited will provide seed funding for rigorously scientific, trans-disciplinary research proposals that investigate food and health challenges that will impact primarily Canadians, but also delivery key learning to solve issues of global concern. In response to the immediate need to feed and sustain future generations, it is vital not only to increase the production of more nutritious and sustainably-produced foods that reduce the reliance on water and chemicals in food production, but also innovate to improve diets, reduce food waste, and ensure the ongoing health of our soils.
University based researchers and must be at the postdoctoral fellow level or higher. Institutions must be Canada Revenue Agency registered.
Funding Availability
Funding of up to $150,000 per project is available for projects with an estimated duration of up to two years. Up to 35% of the funds can be used to bring unique international resources into Canadian-led work.
Indirect Costs
Special Notes
To be most effective, projects should involve teams of partners to provide a trans-disciplinary approach. Partnerships could be with university-based researchers, the private sector, civil society organizations, or community organizations.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | PI submits directly to George Weston Limited/Loblaw Companies Limited Applicants who are invited to submit a proposal must send a signed OR-5 along with the full proposal 5 business days in advance of the external deadline to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca [3] |