NSERC PromoScience Grant
PromoScience GrantFor More Information
Call for Applications [1]
Application Summary Form [2]
Selection Criteria [3]
PromoScience Grants Guide [4]
NSERC’s PromoScience Program offers financial support for organizations working with young Canadians to promote an understanding of science and engineering (including mathematics and technology). Organizations may request funds for up to three years at a time.
PromoScience supports hands-on learning experiences for young students and their science teachers. Grants may be used to cover improvements to program content or delivery, as well as for new programs and activities. Grants can also be used to cover operational costs such as salaries, travel, postage, materials and supplies, provided that they relate to the promotion of science and engineering. Grants may not be used to support research or program evaluations.
In addition to continuing to accept applications that promote the natural sciences and engineering to Canada’s young people in general, NSERC is issuing a targeted call for applications that focus on girls and/or Aboriginal youth groups that are traditionally under-represented in scientific and engineering careers and expects to support an increased percentage of applications in this area.
Non-profit organization, postsecondary institution or non-federal museum or science centre; and you must demonstrate ongoing involvement in the promotion of natural sciences and engineering to young Canadians.
Funding Availability
NSERC’s contribution is generally up to one-third of a program’s funding. The average grant typically ranges from $15,000 to $25,000 per year.
Indirect Costs
Special Notes
Applicants with past or current PromoScience funding must include a one-page summary report [2] (as an additional page).
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Applicant submits complete application including the PromoScience application summary form, support letters, and signed OR-5 form to: research.services@uoguelph.ca [5] | |
External Deadline | Applicant submits electronically via the Secure Submissions for NSERC’s Innovative Collaborations and Science Promotion Programs [6]: in Portable Document Format (PDF) as a single document. |