Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency call for letters of intent
The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (OSMA)
For More Information
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Priorities [3]
The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (OSMA) invites researchers with project proposals that match Ontario Sheep’s Research priorities to complete the Letter of Intent form. It is open for sheep-related research across Canada. Research is a key component to driving competitiveness and profitability in the sheep industry. OSMA’s priorities are as follows: Animal Health; Nutrition; Marketing, Product Quality and Economics; Genetics; Reproduction and Production Systems; Environment; Food Safety; and Animal Welfare. Please note that the priorities have not changed since 2014.
Funding Availability
Total funds available for this call is $100,000 over 3 years. Support may be for one or a limited number of proposals.
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
1 to 3 years
Special Notes
Full proposals will be solicited in June. If invited for full proposal, PI submits signed OR-5 along with copy of full proposal to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca [4] 5 days in advance of the external deadline.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | To: jmactavish@ontariosheep.org [5], or can be sent by mail or fax |