5 Things the Research Innovation Office can do for Researchers during the COVID-19 Lockdown

While we’re not conducting business as usual, the Research Innovation Office is open for business! Our team has pivoted to deliver services and programming online and on the phone during the COVID-19 pandemic. That means that our team is still available to help researchers from across campus to amplify their impact!
Activate your Knowledge
Whether you call it Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) or Knowledge Transfer, getting the results of your work into the hands of people who can use it to improve life is an essential part of the research arc.
During lockdown (and always), Knowledge Mobilization Manager Elizabeth Shantz is available to share tips and information about crafting effective KMb plans and to consult with researchers who are ready to transfer learnings to the community or who are working on grant applications that require formal KMb plans.
Protect your IP
There are many reasons to consider protecting intellectual property via patent or other means. Doing so can improve the likelihood that inventions will be converted by the market into products available to the public. In addition to sharing in royalty streams from inventions that have commercial success, researchers with more reported inventions and patents can also expect to attract more collaborators and to be invited to share their subject matter expertise at conferences and in the media,. Not sure whether you have intellectual property to protect? Contact Steve De Brabandere, David Hobson or Martin Ciuk on our Technology Transfer Team to set up a consultation to discuss how you can:
- Register an invention
- Explore patent and license options
- Start a company to turn your research findings into a valuable product
For specialized support for the protection and commercialization of plant varieties and related technology, please contact Rattan Gill.
Find Collaborators
Our Industry Liaison Team provides advisory services to University of Guelph faculty, staff and students working with industry sponsors. They are adept at helping to develop research relationships with companies and other sponsors, including looking for ways to leverage available support through programs like OCE VIP, Mitacs and NSERC Alliance. Contact Vanja Banks or Blake Helka to benefit from their expertise and download our Guide to Research Partnerships to learn more about working with industry.
Learn Something New
Even If you can’t be in the field or your lab right now, RIO programs can help research teams to use their time well. Check out these opportunities to enhance your skills during lockdown:
- Introto Entrepreneurship
- Advantage Workshops
- On-demand webinars
- Mentorship & Advice – contact Kelly Ziegler with the New Venture Creation Team
Help Us to Help You
Our New Venture Creation Team is conducting research to better understand the needs of the UofG research community. We are looking for researchers at every career stage and from every college to share their ideas and offer feedback on new program concepts. Contact Dana McCauley to get involved!