New Resource Strives to be the Front Door to Entrepreneurship in Guelph

Working with start-ups and academic entrepreneurs is a part of the day-to-day work that our New Venture Creation team performs. Their focus is on helping bring products and services based in UofG research to market through programming and mentorship support. While doing this work, they field a lot of questions from business founders who need resources that are readily available in the larger Guelph innovation and start-up ecosystem.
So, the question was posed - if so many people are seeking the same information, why isn’t there a general resource guide for start-ups in Guelph? We looked, and discovered that the innovation and business development organizations in Guelph and surrounding area offer some amazing resources to support entrepreneurship and start-ups!
In creating the Guelph Guide to Entrepreneurship we’ve tried to gather these resources and offer them in and easy to navigate and easy to share format. “I am really proud of what we have to offer our broader community”, Dana McCauley, Director of New Venture Creation said of the guide. “It’s our hope that this resource will help entrepreneurs and start-ups navigate the local ecosystem to discover and identify supports for their unique businesses and the challenges they encounter. We also think it will help Guelph area innovation and business support agencies to collaborate more often.”
The guide is not complete – and we do not expect it ever will be! – this is not an exhaustive listing of all resources available, but a sampling of some of the excellent program offerings, organizations, tools and events happening close to Guelph. Anyone working with entrepreneurs or economic development can help us to continue building the Guide to Entrepreneurship, by submitting your suggestions. We’ll gather up all the new material and update the guide each month so check back often for new information!
What you’ll find in the Guelph Guide to Entrepreneurship: