Shining a spotlight on SURG

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

A closer look at the University of Guelph’s undergraduate research journal

By Sameer Chhabra

In 2007, an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph had a curious idea.

Matt Teeter, now an associate professor of medical biophysics at the University of Western Ontario, approached members of the Office of Research to find a way to launch an academic journal aimed at showcasing research specifically conducted by the undergraduate student body at the University.

Through a collaboration between the Office of Research and McLaughlin...

Read more: Shining a spotlight on SURG

New advances in animal welfare and housing

Monday, May 25th, 2015
Tina Widowski discussing work process in front of chicken cages

Prof. Tina Widowski and her team are leading studies into hen behaviour and welfare, and best practices for the management of housing systems.