University of Guelph Research Data Management (RDM) Strategy
The University of Guelph has developed an institutional Research Data Management (RDM) Strategy to outline how U of G provides researchers with an environment that enables and supports RDM best practices – a necessary part of research excellence.
In Canada, the Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on RDM [1] promotes excellence in digital data management practices and data stewardship. Researchers applying to certain Tri-Agency competitions [2] will soon be required to submit data management plans [3] (DMPs) as part of their grant proposals. A DMP is a document that describes the methods, protocols and plans used to manage, describe, store, analyze, preserve and share the data acquired or generated during the course of a research project.
The Agencies recognize that research data created by and with First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities are managed according to RDM principles developed and approved by these communities and organizations.
The University of Guelph Research Data Management Strategy includes the core principles of Research Excellence: Service Provision and Training; Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse (where appropriate) of research data (FAIR) [4] ; the First Nations principles of ownership, control, access, and possession (OCAP [5]); and Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics (CARE).
The Strategy is not a static document and will evolve over time as research data management practices, tools and technologies change. It will be regularly reviewed to measure institutional progress in the provision of RDM services in order to meet our institutional vision statement and to meet the expectations of the Tri-Agencies and other research funders.
University of Guelph RDM Strategy Working Group (2022-23)
The Tri-Agencies expect the research they fund to be conducted to the highest professional and disciplinary standards, domestically and internationally. These standards support research excellence by ensuring that research is performed ethically and makes good use of public funds, experiments and studies are replicable, and research results are as accessible as possible.
The Tri-Agency RDM Policy [7] (2021) required universities eligible for Tri-Agency funding to post an institutional RDM strategy on the university website by March 1, 2023. In response, Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice-President (Research), established a working group to consult with researchers and create a University of Guelph RDM Strategy.
Working Group Co-Chairs:
- Karina McInnis, Associate Vice-President (Research Services)
- Barbara McDonald, Associate University Librarian, Research (Acting)
Working Group Members:
- Sarah Bates, College Research Manager, CBS
- Ann Cesar, Data Strategy Program Manager, IRP
- Lucia Costanzo, Research & Scholarship Librarian
- Michelle Edwards, Director of Agri-Food Data Strategy
- Wayne Johnston, Research & Scholarship Librarian
- Diana (Dee) Lewis, Assistant Professor, Geography, Environment & Geomatics
- Rebecca Moore, Senior Manager, Communications and Knowledge Mobilization Office of Research, Agri-Food Partnership
- Joanne Moores, Office of Research Advisor on Indigenization, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Ali Versluis, Head, Research & Scholarship (Acting), Library
- J. Scott Weese, Professor, OVC
- Katie Wadleigh, Manager, Research Ethics, RSO
To finalize the U of G RDM Strategy the working group consulted with researchers via a survey and meetings with key campus groups. The working group will continue to engage with university stakeholders as the Strategy evolves to improve awareness of RDM supports on campus and gather feedback on researchers’ experiences and needs for RDM support.
Results of the Fall 2022 U of G Researcher Perspectives survey [8]
We welcome your input
Please share your experiences suggestions and feedback.
- Email [9] with subject line: RDM Strategy Input