Niva’s hometown is Kathmandu, Nepal. Niva completed an MBA in Finance and Operations from Symbiosis International University, India. Niva is now completing a Master’s degree at the University of Guelph in Rural Planning & Development.
Niva’s research aims to understand the challenges immigrant Nepali families face in enrolling children in recreational activities in Guelph. Niva’s work with building financial stability amongst underprivileged women aligns with Niva’s passion for building capacities and community assets. She has seven years of community development in Nepal and after coming to Canada in 2013, she has been involved in many volunteering activities with organisations like Food Bank, Early Ontario Child and Family Services that helps the community. As board member for the Greater Guelph Nepalese Community, a member of Leadership Council at Guelph Wellington Local Immigrant Partnership, and Nepali language interpreter at Immigrant Services, Niva continues to work with the Nepali community in various leadership capacities. Uniquely, Niva teaches Nepali language and culture to Nepali children with the Wellington Catholic District School Board.
During her Master’s program she has worked with Dr. Ryan Gibson on a research project - Rural Immigration: Strategies for Rural Economic Development and Labour Force Planning that looked at immigration programs and strategies, from around the globe including all the provinces in Canada and the US, that helped to attract immigrants and newcomers to the rural regions. She has also worked on a project to transcribe an online lecture on “Regional Planning”.
Follow Niva on Twitter at @NivaShresthaz. Check out the Rural Planning and Development webpage [1] for more details on our graduate programs