Landscape Architecture Programs - School of Environmental Design and Rural Development presents:
Landscape Architecture 50th Anniversary Lecture Series:
Moura Quayle, FCSLA, FCELA
Director | Faculty of Arts | Liu Institute for Global Issues
University of British Columbia
"Designed Leadership: Strategic Design in Action"
Designed leadership – leadership that is informed and refined by processes, principles and practices borrowed from design – is a competitive advantage that more and more business people are learning and applying. The strategies, techniques and lessons are relevant and applicable, whether you’re running a tech start-up or a Fortune 500 company. We all have the capacity to advance our professional and personal interests in innovation and sustainability; we want to lead and contribute to change in our lives and our organizations. This session will unpack design processes, principles, and practices and translate them into the world of business leadership – transforming business models, re-thinking organizations and tackling systemic problems. Whether leading from the top, from within or from without, designed leadership is a competitive advantage.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
at 11:45 am
Landscape Architecture, Room 125
Moura has had an impressive and wide ranging career including active volunteer service; her work has bettered students, communities and the field of landscape architecture as a whole. She is a fellow of both the CSLA and the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) and after graduating from Guelph’s BLA program in 1974 she went on to complete her MLA at the University of California Berkeley. The University of Guelph has previously honoured her with an honorary doctorate of science. Moura is now teaching at the Sauder Business School of the UBC, spreading “design thinking” wherever she goes, especially as she is the Director at the UBC Liu Institute for Global Issues for 2014-2016.