University of Guelph - Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture Series presents:
Elena Tudela and Victor Rico. Co-Founders of Oficina de Resiliencia Urbana – Office of Urban Resilience [1] in Mexico City.
The Works of ORU.
Elena Tudela and Victor Rico are co-founders, with Adriana Chavez and Guillermo Chavez, of ORU the Oficina de Resiliencia Urbana (Office of Urban Resilience) in Mexico City. This organization brings together more than ten years of experience in the academic, public, and private sectors and multilateral organizations. ORU is a women and minority-led urban and landscape design office, with the main focus of building resilience to climate change. They utilize the transformative power of urban design and landscape infrastructure to shape new futures of interconnected urban regions, strengthened ecological structures, environmentally integrated cities, and resilient communities. Their projects seek to generate socio-environmental impact through applied research and collective processes.
Image: Exhibition piece from the Venice Biennale, Italy
This online lecture is supported by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects [2].
Contacts: Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture Coordinator: Nadia Amoroso [3], Associate Professor, and LA Speaker Series Student Assistant: Sydney Black [4].