Rural Planning and Development graduate students Taylor Wellings and Jenn Burns have authored a blog post titled "Rural Planning: Not just an Urban Thing" [1] in the Ontario Provincial Planning Institute (OPPI) website.
The blog post is meant to facilitate an exchange of planning knowledge, best practices, and issues important to planners. OPPI wants to foster meaningful and respectful discussion about planning and the planning profession.
Have you worked on a successful, innovative planning project which prioritizes healthy rural communities? Please share it with Taylor Wellings [2] or Jenn Burns [3] in the comments section of the OPPI blog post or by email to be entered in a draw for Tim Horton's gift cards! Winners will be announced via OPPI’s Twitter account [4].
Many planning projects are contributing to healthy communities. If you are uncertain if your project fits into one of the 13 key actions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Taylor or Jenn. Many projects do fit, despite what you think. We welcome all emails.