Required Qualifications:
The applicant must have demonstrated competence and skills with research techniques in the field of molecular biology and genetics. Skills must be at a level to critically analyze data and student interpretations of experiments. Techniques required are aseptic microbial techniques, gDNA isolation, PCR, qPCR. Excellent verbal and scientific writing skills are required as critical analysis of student written communication is a large component of the course. Established organization, time management skills as well as the ability to work independently are required as competing deadlines must be met. Applicants must also be practiced in general laboratory skills such as pipetting, preparing solutions, performing basic techniques and managing reagents. Some training is provided. By applying for this TA position, you are agreeing to be available on campus to complete all assigned duties as determined by the instructor(s), available to attend all mandatory meetings, the dates for invigilating and grading the midterm, and available until the end of the contract to invigilate and grade final exams.
Preferred Qualifications:
Senior graduate student with previous TA experience with an emphasis on grading; experience performing molecular lab bench work at the graduate level.