Required Qualifications:
Graduate students at the University of Guelph, eligible for employment in Unit 1 of Local 3913. Applicants must have excellent communication skills (both written and verbal) in the English language. Applicants must have familiarity with the morphology of plants and vascular plant identification by either having taken a course related to plant identification or taxonomy, or through a personal interest in plant identification. Applicants must be able to assist students to identify vascular plants during labs. By applying for this TA position, you are agreeing to be on campus and available from the start of the contract (January 2, 2025) to complete all assigned duties, available to attend all mandatory meetings, invigilation of IB exams as assigned, grade mid-term exams/papers, and be available to the end of the contract (April 28, 2025) to grade final exams/papers.
Preferred Qualifications:
Familiarity in using R for statistical analysis and data management. An advanced course in evolutionary biology and/or evolutionary ecology. Experience providing feedback to students on scientific writing and hypothesis development.