Acronyms - U

The Undergraduate Academic Information Centre offers general academic information to students and, as appropriate, provides referrals to specialised advising resources. Information is provided on a drop-in basis by Peer Helpers as well as through on-line resources. UAIC is located at the north end of the third floor of the UC and is available at or 519-824-4120 extension 56613.
UC (u-see)
The University Centre is a central student service and administrative building that is home to several offices and services.
UC Courtyard
Is the name of a large area on the first floor of the UC that is over-looked by the Brass Taps.
UGAA (u-g-a-a)
University of Guelph Alumni Association is a global community of alumni of the University of Guelph and its founding colleges. Guelph graduates automatically become a member of the UGAA upon graduation.
University of Guelph Faculty Association.
University of Guelph Marketing Society
Universities Canada
Formerly known as the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) Universities Canada is the voice of Canada's universities that represents 95 Canadian public and private not-for-profit universities and university-degree level colleges. It is on the web at .
University of Guelph Business Innovation Zone.
UoGA’s (oo-ga’s)
University of Guelph Ambassadors are student volunteers that assist Admission Services at liaison events for visiting prospective students such as Fall Preview Day and Campus Days.
UPS (u-p-s)
Undergraduate Program Services was a unit within the Office of Registrarial Services. This area is now signed and referred to as Registrarial Services.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
National governing body of university sports in Canada.
United Steel Workers
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant