How do I know what College I am part of?
The College affiliation is normally linked to the specialization being pursued by the student. When there is no specialization (i.e. the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Programs) the affiliation is linked to the degree program.
The College affiliation of each specialization (or degree program, if appropriate) is included in the undergraduate calendar as part of the schedule of studies. For example, if you look at the Schedule of Studies for the Applied Human Nutrition Major of the Bachelor of Applied Science Program in Section X of the current Undergraduate Calendar you will note directly under the title that it says Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. This line indicates that the specialization is administered by the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. Therefore, AHN Majors are affiliated with the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.
If a student has declared more than one specialization the college affiliation is to that of the Major (i.e. College of Arts when the student has a Major in History and a Minor in Family Studies within the Bachelor of Arts Program). If a student has declared more than one major then the affiliation is to that of the specialization listed first in the students' academic program (i.e. to College of Biological Science when the student has an academic program such as BSC.BIO+PHY, indicating a Major in Biology and a second Major in Physics).
The student's College affiliation is also noted in the header of the Program/Academic Evaluation on WebAdvisor.