Guiding Principles

Grounded in the World Health Organization’s definition of health that states that “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, the University of Guelph continues to implement supports as part of a healthy workplace plan that includes education and awareness raising, skill building, environmental supports, and policy and will address the physical well-being, psychological well-being, and social well-being. The following guiding principles are set to ground and guide the Wellness@Work Initative. 

Mission:  Supporting the well-being of the whole person for all University of Guelph staff and faculty through a comprehensive, integrated, evidence-informed workplace health promotion strategy.

Vision:  A thriving workforce, organization, and community.

Guiding Principles:

  1. The Whole Person.
    • The University of Guelph comprehensively supports and prioritizes the well-being of the whole person. 
  2. Shared Responsibility
    • The University of Guelph and all employees share responsibility for supporting the well-being of the whole person and providing a vibrant workplace that is inclusive and respectful, where everyone is valued. 
  3. Appreciation & Recognition.
    • All areas of the University of Guelph appreciate and recognize the invaluable strengths, unique capabilities, knowledge, and passions of faculty and staff, which they carry into their work and the University community.
  4. Carefulness1  & Person-Centered2 .
    • The University of Guelph executes carefulness and diligence in developing and implementing evidence-based healthy workplace plans that are representative of the experiences and needs of faculty and staff.


1Carefulness: As defined in the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety, carefulness is making every reasonable effort to be aware of how one’s conduct or behaviour affects others and to understand at minimum the basics about others’ rights and interests. A careful workplace has an attitude of vigilance and awareness of consequences that impact staff and faculty health and well-being.
2Person-Centered: Approaching issues and developing solutions in the workplace from a person-centered focus ensures that staff and faculty are equal partners in planning, developing, and maintaining initiatives that meet their needs in a healthy workplace. This involves collaborating and continuously engaging with staff and faculty as they are experts of their own lived experience, valuing their perspectives, and working alongside one another to receive the best outcome.