Wellness@Work Strategic Plan
The Wellness@Work Strategic Plan is currently being updated. If you have feedback please email wellnessatwork@uoguelph.ca.
The 2019-2022 Wellness@Work Strategic Plan (the Plan) outlines goals and objectives for the Wellness@Work initiative over the next three years. Together, these goals will work to improve the organizational culture at the institution and move the Initiative toward its vision of a thriving workforce, organization and community. The four goals include:
- Prioritize and enhance organizational psychological health. To address this goal, it is important to improve opportunities for growth identified in the survey and also celebrate our strengths. There will be focus on address wellness gaps that exist among faculty, shift workers and employees at the Ridgetown and the University of Guelph-Humber Campuses.
- Provide all employees with opportunities to be and stay well. Achieving this goal involves providing quality wellness programming in the workplace for faculty and staff and working to ensure workplace policies and practices support wellness.
- Build wellness leadership capacity at all levels of the organization. Objectives for this goal include supports wellness within departments, enhancing and supporting Wellness@Work Champions, building strategic linkages with internal and external partners, enhancing the competencies of leaders to support employee wellness and partnering with activities that stem from the Healthy Campus Initiative.
- Continuously improve and evaluate the wellness culture at the University of Guelph. The Wellness@Work Initiative will evaluate the Initiative and its activities on an ongoing basis, which includes re-running the Wellness@Work survey and establishing wellness metrics. Communications on wellness activities and initiatives will continue to ensure all faculty and staff are aware of the Initiative and opportunities that are available to them.
The following key inputs informed the Plan:
- The Wellness@Work 2017 survey results.
- The Okanagan Charter for Health Promoting Universities.
- Excellence Canada's Healthy Workplace Standard.
- Our Path Forward - The University of Guelph's Strategic Framework.
- Feedback from subject matter experts, Wellness@Work Champions, union and employee group leaders, members of the leadership team and faculty and staff.