Wellness@Work Comprehensive Survey

Earlier this year Wellness@Work invited employees to complete the Wellness@Work Comprehensive Survey. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this survey and offer your perspective. The responses we received shared your feedback at a point in time and will help us identify and better understand workplace factors that affect the psychological health and safety of University of Guelph faculty and staff.

Through a series of questions, this survey was designed to assess the 13 psychosocial factors identified in the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace and collect feedback on current and future wellness initiatives.

View the Results:

Aligning with our values of community, collaboration, and integrity, aggregate survey results are available to view for all faculty and staff. We have captured some of the key findings from the survey results in this infographic, which we invite you to share with your colleagues.

Please follow the hyperlinks below to access the full survey report and supplemental report, which identifies key themes from the open text-box responses:

Next Steps for Summer 2024:

In addition to organizational findings, departmental and college leaders will receive their aggregate, quantitative area-specific findings to support local action planning. While supporting local action planning, throughout the summer Wellness@Work will also be working to better understand the findings by hosting focus groups and discussing findings with relevant stakeholders, developing recommendations for organizational action planning by Fall 2024.

From the data received, some recommendations can be implemented immediately including:

  • Increased communication regarding organizational change and transformation.
  • Develop awareness of wellness programming. 
  • Support units (where required) with embedding more frequent expressions of appreciation and recognition in the workplace.
  • Leaders seek input from direct reports and provide employees flexibility and autonomy where operationally feasible.

Contacting Wellness@Work

If you have questions, comments, or ideas after reviewing the survey results and supplemental materials, feel free to reach out to Isidora Nežić, Wellness@Work Advisor, at nezici@uoguelph.ca.

Here are initiatives we've pursued as a result of your feedback over the years, since 2018:

Thank you to everyone who completed the 2017 Wellness@Work Survey. The responses we received will help us identify and better understand workplace factors that affect the psychological health and safety of University of Guelph faculty and staff.

On April 4th, 2018 we hosted a Town Hall event to share the results from the survey. Around 300 employees attended this event, with others viewing the live-stream recording online. 

We have captured some of the key findings from the survey results in this infographic, which we invite you to share with your colleagues.

Please follow the hyperlinks below to access the full survey report and supplemental report, which identifies key themes from the open text-box responses:

Watch the recording of the Town Hall event by following the hyperlink below:

We are committed to working together to create a healthier workplace for all faculty and staff.

We hope you will join us in our efforts to continue bettering our workplace and creating a thriving workforce, organization and community.