Multidisciplinary Lecture--Field Camp Course
Instructors: I. P. Martini (University of Guelph), W.A. Glooschenko (National Water Research Institute, Burlington).
Objectives: The course is designed to study environments of carbonate deposition, both modern and ancient. Major topics include carbonate geochemistry, reef environments (ecology and sedimentology), shallow-water carbonates, carbonate-secreting biota, carbonate sedimentology, carbonates in the geological record, and carbonate diagenesis. The southern Florida field trip portion analyses the inter-relationship between nearshore carbonate sedimentary environments with respect to ecological processes in the Florida Keys area. Emphasis is placed on coral reefs, carbonate shelf and lagoon environments, and freshwater marls in the Everglades. A study of modern analogue of coal swamps is also made, with special reference to peat formation in mangrove and Okeefenoke cypress swamp.
Walker, R.G. et al. (eds.) (Latest edition) Facies models. Geoscience Canada
Multer, H.G., 1977. Field guide to some carbonate rocks environments - Florida Keys and western Bahamas.
of evaluation: Final test (exam.) and field report.
Course outline: The course consist of two parts:
Part 1 Evening weekly meetings (1.5 hour each) during the semester for lectures, seminars and discussions
Part 2 Twelve days field trip to Southern Florida.
Meeting Topic
Chemistry and Biogeochemistry
1. Course organization. Introduction to carbonates
2. Chemistry and geochemistry of CO2 system
3. Chemistry and geochemistry (continued). Introduction to Biology
4. Biological aspects of carbonates
5. Carbonate petrology
6. Carbonate petrology (continued)
7. Diagenesis, porosity and dolomitization
8. Diagenesis, porosity and dolomitization (continued)
and stratigraphy
9. Introduction to reefs
10. Reefs
11. Oolite shoals and tidal flats
12. Tidal flats and sabkha
13. Freshwater
carbonate sediments
Day Activity
1. Depart by van in the evening (to avoid rush hours at some USA towns on the road)
2. Travel to Florida via Interstate 75. Some stops will be made to look at some geological formations on the way
3. Arrive at Everglade National Park for geological and ecological studies. In the evening set up cap at Key Largo
4. Charter large boat and dive in the coral reef and carbonate shelf environments off the Florida key: observe role
of biota in carbonate formation
5. Dive in Florida Bay shallow-water carbonate environments. Study mangrove islands and tidal flats
6. Travel to exposed oolitic shoal areas of wester keys; exposed fossil reefs and tidal flats; beach formations at Key West
7. Small plane flight over the reef--keys-bay area; Depart keys area for northern Everglades; analyze work and mangrove reef in the
Miami area; visit the northern Everglades marl areas
8. Cypress swamp peat environments; visit karst topography and caverns in central Florida
9. Begin trip back to Guelph
10. Arrive in Guelph in the morning
Logistics: Accommodations will be in personal tent. The group will cook most
meals. Travel ad from Florida will be without major sops exept for food, rest
and some geological observations (estimated one way travel is approximately 35