Introductory facility orientations are mandatory for all new Principal Investigators, researchers, students, and animal care personnel seeking access to an animal facility. The orientations give an on-site overview of the facility procedures and the biosecurity standards held in that facility.

Orientation sessions are provided for the Central Animal Facility (CAF), Isolation Unit, Human Health and Nutritional Sciences (HHNS), and Animal and Poultry Science (APS). Orientation sessions are 1 to 1 ½ hours in length.

For the livestock and fish facilities an orientation session is combined with the introductory handling workshop. This includes Ponsonby and Elora Research Stations (cattle, sheep), Arkell Research Station (swine, poultry), Alma Aquaculture and Hagen Aqualab (aquatic species).


Confirm with your supervisor which facility you will be requiring access to prior to registering, and consult our Workshop and Orientation Schedule for dates and locations.

Link to registration on Eventlink.