Accessibility at the U of G

Statement of Commitment to Accessibility

The University of Guelph is committed to fostering an educational, working, and living environment, where all University community members experience an authentic sense of inclusion and belonging. The U of G has a long-standing commitment to accessibility, equity, diversity, and inclusion on our campuses. The 2022-2027 Strategic Plan: Our Time, outlines the commitment to "Transforming our University through Indigenization and equity, diversity, and inclusion." Part of Inclusive Excellence is a shared commitment to an accessible and oppression-free campus, including the places we learn, live, work, visit, and research.

Our Multi-Year Accessibility Plans are but one example highlighting important steps forward in the University’s strategy to create equitable and inclusive learning, working, and living environments on our campuses. While the various goals and initiatives outlined in our plans will play an important role in equity, diversity, and inclusion work at U of G, there is more to do to make our efforts sustainable and successful. The University commits to working towards its accessibility goals in a focused and transparent way. Click here to view the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2025-2027.

The University is committed to providing goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (or simply the AODA), the government is moving to a fully accessible Ontario by 2025. 

The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, Ont. Reg. 191/11 became law on June 3, 2011. It was amended to include the Design of Public Spaces under Ontario Regulation 413/12 in October 2012. It covers accessibility standards in information and communication, employment, transportation and the built environment. There is a phased-in approach to compliance, with deadline dates for each standard being based upon organization type and size, primarily ranging between January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2017.

As of January 1, 2021, all University of Guelph internet websites must conform with Level AA of the WCAG 2.0, other than success criteria 1.2.4 Captions (Live) and success criteria 1.2.5 Audio Descriptions (Pre-recorded).

For detailed information about how the University of Guelph is reaching AODA compliance, and beyond, please consult our University of Guelph Accessibility Plans and/or explore our accessibility resources  below to learn more about how you can contribute to a barrier-free campus.

Ontario Human Rights Code

The Ontario Human Rights Code (or simply the Code) is a provincial law that prohibits actions that discriminate against people based on protected grounds in protected social areas, such as housing, employments and goods and services.

As described in the Ontario Human Rights Commission Policy on Ableism and Discrimination Based on Disability, the Code protects people from discrimination and harassment under the ground of disability, which means that people with disabilities have the right to equal treatment. This means the right to accessible workplaces, schools, housing, and services, among other areas (2016: 8).

The Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) are separate pieces of provincial legislation that work together to promote equal opportunity and remove barriers for people with disabilities.

Accessibility Resources

This page list will be monitored and continuously updated as new resources are identified.

AODA Resources

Learn more about the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the five Integrated Accessibility Standards.

University of Guelph Digital Accessibility Resource Centre (DARC) resources on the A.O.D.A. This requires single sign on for staff, students, and faculty.

Government of Ontario Accessibility in Ontario. Learn more about the laws, ongoing reviews of laws, accessibility grants, and compliance for institutions like the University of Guelph.


Teaching and Educational and Web Resources

Accessibility (AODA) Resources: Courses and Teaching Resource

The Accessibility (AODA) Resources: Courses and Teaching Resource provides tips in line with research and best practices in accessible teaching and learning, including: developing course; writing a syllabus; accessible lectures; and student evaluation.

Accessibility for Instructors

From Accessibility Services, a series of educational accessibility videos for instructors that provide overviews of key topics, including accommodations, concussions, captioning, mental health, online quizzes, structuring courses, and more.

Open Learning and Educational Support

Open Learning is a multi-faceted support department that is committed to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning on campus. Open Learning is a multi-faceted support department that is committed to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning on campus. Visit OpenEd for resources on Universal Instructional Design, Accessibility and Course Materials, and Universal Design - Best Practices for Online Learning

Digital Accessibility Resource Centre (DARC)

The Digital Accessibility Resource Centre (DARC) is made up of accessibility experts who provide campus support for digital content creation. DARC provides U of G digital content creators with education, tools, training, and support to ensure that their content is accessible for all. DARC can assist creators in creating accessible web content, Word documents, presentation slides, videos, audio and other multimedia. DARC website access requires single sign on for staff, students and faculty.

Creating Accessible Documents, Social Media, Multimedia, and more

Do you want to create accessible Word, PowerPoint, social media, and multimedia, or learn features and tips for building accessibility into live events in Microsoft teams? The Digital Accessibility Resource Centre has created a wonderful suite of accessibility resources, including resources on understanding Web Content Accessibility Guildelines (WCAG), document creation and remediation, external captioning, and more. This requires single sign on for staff, students, and faculty.

Web Accessibility Resources

The Web Accessibility Resources provides AODA, WCAG and Web Accessibility Resources and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), including guides for content editors and web developers.


The Communications – Guiding Principles and Resources provides principles and resources for ensuring that communications are accessible and welcoming.


Student Resources

U of G Library

Library Accessibility Services provides information for students on how to get access to course readings in alternative formats.

Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

Student Accessibility Services helps students who experience disabilities with full and equitable participation in academic life.

SAS also provides a number of transition programs to assist students with the transition to life as a university student with a disability.

Students who wish to bring a Support/Service Animal into the University's facilities can find information at Accessibility Services. Ridgetown students and Guelph-Humber students can find accessibility at the following links:

Student Accessibility Services – Ridgetown Campus

Accessible Learning Services – Guelph-Humber

Co-operative Education & Career Services

Co-operative Education and Career Services provides workplace information for students with disabilities

Student Wellness Services

Student Wellness Services offers a variety of health care services, including primary health care, a walk-in clinic and on-site laboratory testing.

Student Housing Services

Student Housing Services provides information for students who may have special accommodation requests for living in residences. 


Health and Wellness Resources

Occupational Health and Wellness (OHW)

Occupational Health and Wellness integrates and coordinates the management of occupational (work related) and non-occupational related illness and injury.


Parking and Building Resources

This interactive campus map provides a visual of parking, including accessible parking locations, on the University of Guelph main campus.

Physical Resources – Service Disruptions

The University makes every effort to provide notice to students, employees and the public when there is a temporary service disruption (planned or unexpected) at the University. The Physical Resources – Service Disruptions page outlines the steps the University will take to provide notice, and links to various University departments where notices can be found.  

Accessibility Policies and Protocols

Student Accessibility Services

The University of Guelph Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities policy describes the policies and procedures associated with our commitment to creating an equitable learning environment.

Library Resources Accessibility Policy

The University of Guelph Library Accessible Resources policy is designed to support users with perceptual or physical disabilities by providing them with alternative-format copies of print materials, either from the library collection or produced by library services.

Customer Service Standard

This University of Guelph Customer Service Standard policy outlines the U of G’s commitments and responsibilities with regards to the Customer Service Standard of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.  

Service Animals

The Animals on Campus Protocol provides a framework for how the University manages support/service animals, including on the main campus, Ridgetown Campus and Research Stations.

Traffic and Parking

The Traffic and Parking Policy 1.2.23 supports pedestrian and vehicular traffic on University property and provides parking services on University property, including accessible parking.

University of Guelph Emergency Planning Survey

The University is concerned with the safety of its employees. To that end, individualized emergency evacuation plans for persons with disabilities may be required. If you are an employee with a disability who requires any emergency planning information, assistance or instruction, please complete the Emergency Planning Survey.

Contact Us

The Office of Diversity & Human Rights
  • 3rd Floor, University Centre, North Elevators
  • 50 Stone Road EGuelph, ONN1G 2W1
  • Phone: 519.824.4120 x 53000
  • TTY users can use the Bell Relay System by calling 711 or 1-800-267-6511
  • Email:

If you have any questions, or if you have suggested resources to add to this section, please contact the Office of Diversity and Human Rights at the contact information above.

*Upon request, DHR will provide or help arrange for the provision of alternate formats or communication supports for information on this page, in accordance with the AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.*

Other Contact Information

Digital Accessibility Resource Centre (DARC) (Single Sign on)

Web: Digital Accessibility Resource Centre


Student Accessibility Services (Guelph Main Campus) - Students


Library Accessibility Services