Anti-Hate, Anti-Racism & Human Rights at U of G
The University of Guelph recognizes that an inclusive and equitable campus free of hatred, discrimination and racism is an institutional, policy and social imperative. Acknowledging the University’s diverse population and ensuring that every member of our community is a valued contributor is foundational to excellence and a successful post-secondary institution.
Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination & Harassment Policies
University of Guelph Human Rights Policy and Procedures: The University of Guelph Human Rights Policy (Policy) sets out the University’s expectations in terms of the behaviours required of all faculty, staff, students and visitors. The Policy provides direction to the university community on human rights matters, including the prohibition of discrimination and harassment with respect to the university’s delivery of educational services to students, employment of faculty and staff, and the provision of housing to students on the basis of the protected grounds. The Human Rights Procedures articulate steps to be taken to address alleged breaches of the Policy. The University's Human Rights Policy and Procedures make protecting, upholding and clarifying human rights a community responsibility to create an environment of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of each university community member.
Section 3 of the policy states “Violations of human rights will not be tolerated at the University. Discrimination and harassment based on grounds prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code devalues and taints the environment of those covered by this Policy.”
Section 6 of the policy prohibits discrimination and harassment based on the following grounds:
- Disability
- Sex (including pregnancy)
- Sexual orientation
- Race
- Colour
- Ancestry
- Place of origin
- Ethnic origin
- Citizenship
- Creed
- Age (18 years or more)
- Marital status
- Family status
- Gender expression
- Gender identity
- Receipt of public assistance (in accommodation only)
- Record of offences (in employment only). (And all other grounds as identified by the Ontario Human Rights Code)
Section 7.1 of the policy states that “A violation of human rights, including discrimination and harassment, is a breach of this Policy.”
University of Guelph Statement on Freedom of Expression: This policy states that, "Freedom of expression does not extend to that which is prohibited by law, including but not limited to hate speech or incitement of violence, harassment or discrimination, or violation of an individual’s right to privacy. This freedom is never without its limits since it is expressed within our University community, which espouses values of mutual respect, civil discourse, inclusion and the highest standards of human equality."
University of Guelph Workplace Harassment Prevention Program
University of Guelph Policy on Non-Academic Misconduct: Section 4.1 of this policy states, “Students have a responsibility to help create and uphold an environment that respects the diversity and differences of members of our campus, and allows all members to be treated with dignity, worth and respect.”
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy
Additional Strategies, Plans and Resources
Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education
Anti-Hate and Anti-Bias Advisory Committee
Human Rights Advisory Group
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is covered by the U of G Human Rights Policy and Procedures?
The University of Guelph Human Rights Policy and Procedures apply to all University of Guelph students, administrators, employees, Board of Governors and Senate members, employee organizations and invitees and guest speakers, while such individuals or groups are acting in a capacity defined by their relationship with the University.
Allegations against students at University of Guelph-Humber (G-H) are covered by policies at Humber.
How does U of G’s Human Rights Policy relate to the Ontario Human Rights Code?
The Supreme Court of Canada has stated that the provisions of human rights codes bind universities. Where the provisions of any policy, procedure or practice of the University purport to require or to authorize conduct that is in contravention of the Code, the provisions of the Code will prevail.
What is discrimination?
Discrimination has been defined by the courts as a ”distinction, whether intentional or not, but based on grounds relating to personal characteristics of the individual or group, which has the effect of imposing burdens, obligations or disadvantages on such individuals or groups not imposed upon others, or which withholds or limits access to opportunities, benefits, and advantages available to other members of society”. The Code prohibits discrimination and harassment based on any of the following protected grounds:
- Race
- Colour
- Ancestry
- Citizenship
- Place of origin
- Ethnic origin
- Creed (religion)
- Sexual orientation
- Gender identity and expression
- Gender/sex
- Pregnancy
- Sexual solicitation or harassment
- Marital status
- Family status
- Age
- Disability
- Receipt of social assistance (in housing only)
Pardoned criminal record (in employment only)
What is harassment?
The Code also prohibits harassment on the protected grounds. Harassment means “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.” This includes harassment and discrimination, whether intended or not.
What do I do if I experience discrimination or harassment based on the protected grounds?
When a person believes they’ve experienced discrimination or harassment on grounds protected by the Policy they may choose to file a human rights complaint. The first step is to contact the Office of Diversity and Human Rights (“DHR”) by phone, email, or in person. DHR will conduct a confidential intake with that person to explain the human rights process and determine whether the matter falls within the scope of the Policy.
Can I make an anonymous complaint?
Thorough investigation often depends on an ability to gather additional information. We encourage a complainant to put their name to their complaint as DHR may be limited in its ability to investigate and take appropriate action on anonymous complaints. However, should someone wish to file a formal complaint or just let us know about an issue that they feel needs an investigation without the use of their names, individuals can email and engage in a confidential intake process.
Can I file a complaint with the Ontario Ombudsman?
Yes, once you have exhausted the U of G processes (including appeals), you can file a complaint with the Ontario Ombudsman.
Anti-Oppression, Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism Training & Education
Online Modules
Principles of Belonging: Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racism online training module
Principles of Equitable Faculty Recruitment online training module
Principles of Equitable Staff Recruitment online training module
Identity and Unconscious Bias at Work online training module
Call it Out? Identifying and Responding to Microaggressions: This workshop deepens participants understanding of oppression and its impact on equity-deserving groups, particularly within post-secondary institutions. It defines unconscious bias and its role in shaping behaviours and systemic inequality. Practical skills for identifying and effectively responding to microaggressions will be a central focus, empowering participants to apply anti-oppressive strategies in everyday interactions.
Inclusive Leadership: Applying Anti-Oppressive and Anti-Racist Lenses to Decision-Making: This workshop is designed to help participants engage critically with anti-oppression and anti-racism concepts, providing frameworks for inclusive and equitable decision-making at the University. The session focuses on anti-oppressive leadership, which involves examining individual, interpersonal, systemic and cultural barriers that hinder full participation for equity-deserving groups.
Equity Essentials: Intersectional Allyship: This workshop is an interactive session designed to help participants understand and practice effective allyship in real-world settings. Through this hands-on training, participants will revisit foundational concepts such as power, privilege, identity and intersectionality, and then explore how these concepts shape allyship. The workshop will examine what it means to be an ally, how allyship differs across various identities and issues, and when it is appropriate for allies to step in or defer to others.
EDI & Disability Confidence Training: This session focuses on strategies for promoting equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility at the University, with an emphasis on anti-oppressive practices. Participants will explore how to actively recognize and confront various forms of oppression. This session will address key topics required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), including accessible communication, the importance of disability inclusion, and practical ways to apply an accessibility lens in everyday practices.