Note: Tests marked in italics are sent out to an external lab, external lab test prices will be charged; additional charges may be applied (transportation, sample handling fee, etc). Prices are subject to change without notice.
Species groups:
Test name - method |
Code |
Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) in honey bees - qRT-PCR [45] |
abpv |
Apocephalus borealis (zombie fly) in honey bees - qPCR detection [46] |
apobor |
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis & B. salamandrivorans - PCR [47] |
chytPCR |
bqcv |
Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) in honey bees - qRT-PCR [49] |
cbpv |
cmell |
dwv |
Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) in honey bees - qRT-PCR [52] |
iapv |
kbv |
lpass |
napis |
nceran |
sbv |
sapis |
smell |
vtgpcr |
Test name - method |
Code |
16sr |
16srp |
18srrna |
xbovana |
xbacpcr |
anthpcr |
Bluetongue virus/Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus - PCR [64] |
btvehdv |
Bovine abortion panel - PCR (BoHV-1/IBR, Leptospira, Neospora caninum) [65] |
boabopc |
bentpnl |
Bovine respiratory virus panel - PCR (BoHV-1/IBR, BPIV-3, BRSV) [67] |
brvp3 |
BVDV - PCR [68] |
bvdrt |
xcacpcr |
cpapcr |
Chlamydia spp - PCR [71] |
cpsppcr |
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E), food animal - genotyping [17] |
cperf |
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification [18] |
co1seq |
mcpcr |
E. coli, ETEC (enterotoxigenic), food animal - genotyping [72] |
ecolf |
E. coli, VTEC (verotoxigenic) typing, O157/O111 (rfb), food animal - PCR [73] |
ecopf |
vtecf |
gseq |
ggpcr |
hapcr2 |
IBRV (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, Bovine herpesvirus 1) - PCR [77] |
ibrrt |
inflseq |
h5pcr |
h7pcr |
inflpcr |
Leptospira spp - PCR [78] |
leptpcr |
xmcfpcr |
jpcr |
mbpcr |
mspppcr |
orfbps |
rocopcr |
salef |
d104f |
saltf |
xsbvp |
tfpcr |
Test name - method |
Code |
16sr |
16srp |
18srrna |
Babesia - PCR [86] |
xbabpcr |
xbhp |
Bartonella spp - PCR [87] |
bsppcr |
bspcr |
chappcr |
cdvmb |
cdvse |
Canine parvovirus 2/Feline panleukopenia virus sequencing [91] |
cpfpvse |
pv2mb |
cpapcr |
Chlamydia spp - PCR [71] |
cpsppcr |
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E), companion/other - genotyping [16] |
cperg |
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification [18] |
co1seq |
Echinococcus multilocularis, E. granulosus and Taenia spp. - PCR panel [93] |
echpcr |
xepcr |
gseq |
ggpcr |
inflseq |
h5pcr |
h7pcr |
inflpcr |
Leishmania - PCR [95] |
xleishp |
Leptospira spp - PCR [78] |
leptpcr |
xclonkl |
hcpcr |
mspppcr |
prcvpcr |
rotapcr |
xsporo |
Test name - method |
Code |
16sr |
16srp |
18srrna |
xbacpcr |
xcacpcr |
cpapcr |
cppcr |
Chlamydia spp - PCR [71] |
cpsppcr |
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E), food animal - genotyping [17] |
cperf |
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification [18] |
co1seq |
mcpcr |
E. coli, ETEC (enterotoxigenic), food animal - genotyping [72] |
ecolf |
E. coli, VTEC (verotoxigenic) typing, O157/O111 (rfb), food animal - PCR [73] |
ecopf |
vtecf |
Echinococcus multilocularis, E. granulosus and Taenia spp. - PCR panel [93] |
echpcr |
gseq |
inflseq |
h5pcr |
h7pcr |
inflpcr |
Leptospira spp - PCR [78] |
leptpcr |
jpcr |
mspppcr |
orfbps |
salef |
d104f |
saltf |
xsbvp |
Test name - method |
Code |
16sr |
16srp |
18srrna |
xbacpcr |
bpvpcrf |
Bovine papillomavirus - PCR for paraffin-embedded tissue [102] |
bpvpcrp |
cpapcr |
Chlamydia spp - PCR [71] |
cpsppcr |
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E), companion/other - genotyping [16] |
cperg |
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification [18] |
co1seq |
mcpcr |
ehv12 |
eavrt |
Equine encephalitis virus (EEEV/WEEV), companion/other - PCR [21] |
eeepn |
gseq |
ggpcr |
inflseq |
h5pcr |
h7pcr |
inflpcr |
lapcn |
Leptospira spp - PCR [78] |
leptpcr |
mspppcr |
phfpc |
rocopcr |
Streptococcus equi ssp. equi - seM and szp gene strain sequencing typing [107] |
sequity |
sequi |
wnvpn |
Test name - method |
Code |
16sr |
16srp |
18srrna |
xbhp |
Bartonella spp - PCR [87] |
bsppcr |
bspcr |
Canine parvovirus 2/Feline panleukopenia virus sequencing [91] |
cpfpvse |
pv2mb |
cpapcr |
Chlamydia spp - PCR [71] |
cpsppcr |
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E), companion/other - genotyping [16] |
cperg |
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification [18] |
co1seq |
fcfhpcr |
gseq |
inflseq |
h5pcr |
h7pcr |
inflpcr |
Leptospira spp - PCR [78] |
leptpcr |
xclonkl |
hapcr |
mspppcr |
prcvpcr |
xsporo |
tfpcr |
Test name - method |
Code |
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis & B. salamandrivorans - PCR [47] |
chytPCR |
vhsv |
isavpcr |
Myxobolus cerebralis (whirling disease pathogen) - PCR [113] |
wdpcr |
Test name - method |
Code |
16sr |
16srp |
18srrna |
xbacpcr |
xcacpcr |
cpapcr |
cppcr |
Chlamydia spp - PCR [71] |
cpsppcr |
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E), food animal - genotyping [17] |
cperf |
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification [18] |
co1seq |
mcpcr |
E. coli, ETEC (enterotoxigenic), food animal - genotyping [72] |
ecolf |
E. coli, VTEC (verotoxigenic) typing, O157/O111 (rfb), food animal - PCR [73] |
ecopf |
vtecf |
Echinococcus multilocularis, E. granulosus and Taenia spp. - PCR panel [93] |
echpcr |
gseq |
inflseq |
h5pcr |
h7pcr |
inflpcr |
Leptospira spp - PCR [78] |
leptpcr |
jpcr |
mspppcr |
orfbps |
salef |
d104f |
saltf |
xsbvp |
Scrapie resistance PrP genotyping, codons 136, 137, 154, 171, 176 - Sequencing or PCR [114] |
prp |
Test name - method |
Code |
16sr |
16srp |
18srrna |
bhpcr |
bppcr |
bspcr |
cpapcr |
Chlamydia spp - PCR [71] |
cpsppcr |
Clostridium perfringens (types A,B,C,D,E), food animal - genotyping [17] |
cperf |
CO1 mtDNA - gene sequencing and analysis for species identification [18] |
co1seq |
mcpcr |
E. coli, ETEC (enterotoxigenic), food animal - genotyping [72] |
ecolf |
E. coli, VTEC (verotoxigenic) typing, O157/O111 (rfb), food animal - PCR [73] |
ecopf |
vtecf |
gseq |
hpprt |
hapcr2 |
inflseq |
h5pcr |
h7pcr |
inflpcr |
infltyp |
lapcr |
Leptospira spp - PCR [78] |
leptpcr |
p146seq |
mhpcr |
hrhpcr |
hsypcr |
mspppcr |
pmtpcr |
PCV-2 - PCR [124] |
pcv2rt |
pedvse |
Porcine coronavirus (PEDV, TGEV & PDCoV) - triplex PCR [126] |
pcovpcr |
Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus - PCR [127] |
hevrt |
Porcine parvovirus - PCR [128] |
ppvrt |
prcvpcr |
PRRSV, NorthAm/Eur, PCR [129] |
prtqn |
PRRSV, ORF5 - gene sequencing - PCR, same-owner comparison [130] |
prrse |
rotapcr |
salef |
d104f |
saltf |
svvpcr |
scmvrt |
Other species