Rural Ontario and COVID-19: Identifying the road to full economic recovery

Lead Applicant: Leith Deacon

Research Priority: Strong Rural Communities

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2024/2025

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significantly negative and varied impact on rural Ontario's economy. Many rural communities in Ontario heavily rely on industries such as agriculture, tourism, and small businesses. With lockdowns, restrictions, and reduced consumer spending, these sectors have been hit hard. Tourism, for instance, suffered as travel restrictions and safety concerns led to decreased visitor numbers. Small businesses faced closures and financial challenges, while agricultural production and distribution faced disruptions in supply chains. To address these issues and facilitate recovery, comprehensive research on the specific challenges faced by rural Ontario is crucial. Such research will support policymakers and local leaders in developing tailored strategies to support economic growth, create job opportunities, and ensure the resilience of these communities in the face of future crises broadly. Understanding the unique challenges rural Ontario faces is a critical step in ensuring a more prosperous and sustainable future for these regions.