Tier 1 Research Program Proposal Development Workshop Agenda

Date and time


  1. Welcome (Stacy Favrin – Senior Manager, OMAFA-UofG Research Programs)
    • Brief outline of the Tier 1 program and review process
  2. Advice from Research Program Directors (RPDs)
    • The following faculty RPDs will provide strategic advice to support the development of strong proposals:
      • Kate Parizeau (RPD for Economy and Policy)
      • Trevor DeVries (RPD for Animals)
  3. Developing an effective KTT Plan
    • Rebecca Moore (Senior Manager, Communications & Knowledge Mobilization)
  4. Discussion and questions for strong proposal development (all – Stacy Favrin to facilitate)
  5. Walkthrough of the online application process (Erica Cushnie, Manager, Research Programs)
    • Demonstrate how to access and navigate the application template in the Research Management System (RMS)
    • Key tips for proposal completion will be provided
  6. Meeting close (Stacy Favrin)

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