The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance and Food from Thought fund the Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Scholarship Program to support the development of highly skilled graduates who can meet the changing demands of the agri-food and rural sector. HQP scholarships are awarded to master's and PhD students to support them while undertaking research that meets research priorities from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).
Funding for HQP scholarships is awarded through an annual, competitive program. Applications are reviewed based on the proposed research, student goals, experience, academic background and benefits of the scholarship to the student.
The University of Guelph administers the HQP Scholarship Program and makes recommendations on funding awards to OMAFRA.
This page includes projects that were approved in 2022 for the 2022/23 funding cycle.
Protection & Assurance
Development of mRNA Vaccines for Avian Influenza and Marek’s Disease Viruses in Chickens
Research Summary
This project will assess whether immunization with mRNA vaccines can curtail virus replication, shedding and transmission to other chickens. Reducing virus transmission can control spread of avian influenza and Marek's disease, as well as reduce emergence of more virulent strains of these viruses which endanger both animal and public health. |
Lead Applicant
Fatemeh Fazel |
Pro-Inflammatory Particulates in Barn Air as a Risk Factor for Bovine Respiratory Disease: Understanding Mechanisms for Improved Disease Prevention
Research Summary
This project investigates how one important bovine respiratory disease risk factor—poor air quality in calf barns—promotes inflammation within the respiratory tract. |
Lead Applicant
Zahra Nikousefat |
Investigations on the Impact of Maternal and Perinatal Dietary Supplementation with Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Yeast Cell Wall on Immunocompetence in Piglets until Market
Research Summary
The goal of this project is to see if supplementing gestation and lactation diets with yeast can improve immune transfer to offspring and subsequent reproductive performance of gilts, or if supplementation of yeast in nursery diets are more effective in promoting growth, gut development, and immunity. This will determine the time to supplement yeast in pigs’ diets. |
Lead Applicant
Brenda Christensen |
Effect of Glycerol Supplementation on Fresh Cow Metabolic Health Status and Productivity in Automated Milking System Herds
Research Summary
This project will address three major issues in the dairy industry; animal health and welfare, dairy sustainability, and competitive production systems.
Lead Applicant
Clayton McWilliams |
Applying Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning to Improve Dairy Cow Health and Production
Research Summary
This project proposes the development of a decision support system using machine learning to analyze prepartum rumination activity to predict high-risk cows for postpartum health problems and impaired production. |
Lead Applicant
Matheus Santos |
The Use of Pecking Blocks to Enhance Foraging Enrichment and Improve Feather Condition in Enriched Colonies
Research Summary
This project will investigate the effectiveness of commercial pecking block products to enhance foraging, while simultaneously reducing feather pecking and therefore feather damage in laying hens that are housed in enriched colonies. |
Lead Applicant
Violet Hipkin |
Resistance to Bacterial Brown Spot in Adzuki Bean
Research Summary
The focus of this research is on resistance to bacterial brown spot in adzuki bean. Bacterial brown spot is an emerging threat to the bean crop in Ontario. There are currently no resistant cultivars for this disease. |
Lead Applicant
Ujomonigho Omoregie |
Evaluation of Spore Traps to Improve Disease Forecasting in the Holland Marsh
Research Summary
The project will evaluate the effectiveness of four different devices that trap airborne fungal spores of onion diseases in the Holland Marsh. |
Lead Applicant
Julia Scicluna |
Effect of Best Management Practices (BMPs) on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in an Ontario Grain Production System
Research Summary
This research will evaluate how effective best management practices are at reducing GHG emissions in a grain cropping system, as well as potential synergies with crop performance and soil health. |
Lead Applicant
Zachary Buchanan |
Economic Development
Effect of Light Spectrum and Intensity on Female Turkey Breeder Performance
Research Summary
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of two different light sources (white or red spectrum LED) each at two different intensities (high or low) to determine the best parameters for turkey breeder welfare and performance, and to provide producers with a lighting option designed specifically for their needs. |
Lead Applicant
Clara Ziezold |
Antecedents and Outcomes of Organic Food Consumers' Experience with Ontario Online Food Retailing
Research Summary
This project will study the factors that impact Ontario organic food purchasing in online retailing environments. This study will have qualitative and qualitative data collections and subsequent modelling of data. |
Lead Applicant
Maryamsadat Hashemi Fesharaki |
The Peaks and Valleys of Connection: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Smart Village Policies in the EU
Research Summary
This project will use a mixed methods approach: a content analysis of EU "Smart Village" polices and an innovative case study to identify the benefits and drawbacks of EU policies. The key outcome of the research is transferring this knowledge to rural Ontario and Canada to facilitate economic development, enhance community resilience and improve rural capacity building post-COVID-19. |
Lead Applicant
Blake Glassford |