Acrylamide formation in food products: a case for Ontario-grown ingredients
Lead Applicant: Iris Joye
Research Priority: Food Safety Projects
Program Type: Tier 1
Funding Cycle: 2022/2023
Research Centre: NA
Research Summary: Changes and disruptions in climate patterns affect all aspects of food production, including food safety. Stressed crops have a higher content of the amino acid asparagine, which is a precursor to acrylamide. Acrylamide is classified as a potential carcinogen, and as international regulations on acrylamide in foods become stricter, the agri-food economy of Ontario will be impacted. Hence, the goals of this project are (i) to better understand the level of acrylamide precursors in Ontario-grown cereals and (ii) to evaluate several labelling strategies based on Ontario-grown wheat components to help consumers understand the level of acrylamide in their food.