Determining the biology and impact of the canola flower midge on spring canola in Ontario
Lead Applicant: Rebecca Hallett
Research Priority: Plant Health & Protection
Program Type: Tier 1
Funding Cycle: 2023/2024
Research Centre: Ontario Crops Research Centre – Elora
Research Summary: The canola flower midge (CFM, Contarinia brassicola) was recently discovered in western Canada, and in 2021 it was detected at several canola fields in Ontario. Larvae of CFM feed within developing flower buds, and affected buds fail to flower or produce seed. Although its impact on canola production is not yet known, CFM has the potential to significantly reduce yields. There have been few studies of CFM and all of them were conducted in western Canada. Climatic and ecological differences between western and eastern Canada may result in differences in CFM phenology and behaviour between these regions. Although there are management recommendations for swede midge (Contarinia nasturtii) in canola, they may not be effective for CFM if there are differences in biology or insecticide susceptibility between the two species. Therefore, studies of CFM in Ontario are needed to determine its pest status and support subsequent development of appropriate management tactics.