Developing novel hover fly (Diptera: Syrphidae) biological control species for use in greenhouse horticulture and floriculture

Lead Applicant: Andrew Young

Research Priority: Plant Health & Protection

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2024/2025

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: Hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae), or syrphids, are an example of an underutilized insect group for biological control purposes. Syrphid larvae of many species are predators of pest insects such as aphids, and therefore have potential as biological control agents for use in greenhouses. Successful biological control programs are cost effective and offer an alternative option to existing control methods. At the present time, only a single species of syrphid (Eupeodes americanus) has been commercialized for greenhouse aphid control purposes in North America, despite hundreds of species of aphid predators within the family. To critically evaluate the viability of select North American syrphid species as commercial biological control agents for aphid control, we will work in conjunction with Canadian growers and biological control suppliers. Determining the most viable syrphid species for greenhouse aphid control on crops such as sweet pepper will help provide growers with novel pest control alternatives.