Optimization of crossbred (beef on dairy) calf performance, health, and welfare

Lead Applicant: Michael Steele

Research Priority: Animal Health & Welfare

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2023/2024

Research Centre: Ontario Beef Research Centre – Elora

Research Summary: Surplus male dairy calves were traditionally purebred Holstein calves marketed as veal or "beef on dairy". Over recent years, more than 40% of the calves entering the Canadian veal and beef industries are crossbred, yet, there are large knowledge gaps regarding how to manage crossbred calves to maximize their productive potential, product quality, and resiliency in the system in which they are raised. The goal of this project is to determine strategies to optimize the management of purebred and crossbred dairy calves by focusing on the influence of pre-weaning and post-weaning nutrition to improve the productivity, health, welfare, and sustainability of the Ontario dairy, veal, and beef industries. The outcomes of this project will maximize the production value of surplus calves, deliver knowledge to industry stakeholders that raise beef economically and efficiently, and deliver consistent products for our Ontario feedlots and abattoirs.