Developing recommendations for pasture management (degree of defoliation and nitrogen fertilizer application) to increase soil carbon storage

Lead Applicant: Kim Schneider

Research Priority: Soil Health

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2024/2025

Research Centre: Ontario Crops Research Centre – Elora

Research Summary: Grassland soils have significant potential to store carbon. While guidelines do exist for sustainable grassland management, refinement is still needed to offer comprehensive climate-based solutions which optimize carbon sequestration in grazed forages in Ontario. In this project, we propose to establish plots containing perennial forage species common in this region and analyze the effect of both grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization on below-ground root biomass and carbon sequestration. We will be simulating above-ground biomass removal at two defoliation intensities paired with three different N fertilizer rates and then measuring their effects on forage yield and quality, root biomass, and soil carbon sequestration potential. Nitrogen loss from soil will also be measured to capture a full picture of environmental impact. The goal of this project is to help the industry understand the potential environmental impacts of varying grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilizer rates, allowing carbon capture to be optimized in grazing systems.