Developing pure fungal mycelium materials with tunable properties as advanced and carbon-neutral packaging alternatives from agri-food resources

Lead Applicant: Guneet Kaur

Research Priority: Innovative Products & Product Improvement

Program Type: Tier 1

Funding Cycle: 2024/2025

Research Centre: NA

Research Summary: This project aims to establish a value chain from bioresources including sustainably harvested crop residues, fruit and vegetable processing by-products, biomass processing wastes, etc. for Ontario by valorizing them into smart and carbon-neutral packaging biomaterials based on mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi. With fast production, well-controlled mechanical properties, and biodegradability, pure fungal materials are superior alternatives to cellulose, lignin and pectin-based materials. The challenge is to achieve desired material composition and mechano-physical properties at a competitive cost. This project aims to fill this gap which is critical to developing scalable and industry adoptable methods for mycelium production with tunable properties, via an understanding of feedstock properties and mycelium growth dynamics, fabrication methods, and techno-economics. Technological advances from this project will support policy initiatives for single-use plastic alternatives, accommodating local bioresources, circular economy and environmental sustainability, while creating revenue streams via the burgeoning $161.45M mycelium packaging market.