Research Centres

Innovation fuels economic development, job creation, and trade across the agri-food sector. A world-class network of research centres enabling multidisciplinary research powers this innovation in Ontario.

The real-world field tests conducted at these research centres promote agri-food discoveries, validate laboratory findings, stimulate further research and provide valuable information for Ontario’s agri-food sector.

These research centres, owned by Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario, are operated and managed by the University of Guelph through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.

The image shows a map of southern Ontario. It points out the locations of the 14 research centres in the table on this page.

Number on Map Location Research Focus 1 Research Focus 2 Research Focus 3
Station location 1 is Alma pointed out on the map. It is located northwest of Guelph Alma

Link to alma aquaculture pageAquaculture

Station location 2 is Arkell on the map. It is located just east of Guelph. Arkell

Link to Arkell Equine Research Station pageEquine

Link to Arkell Poultry Research Station pagePoultry

Link to Arkell Swine Research Station pageSwine

Station location 3 is Bradford on the map. It is located northeast of Guelph near hwy 400 Bradford

Link to Bradford Muck Crops Research Station pageVegetables

Station location 4 is Cedar Springs on the map. It is located east of Windsor near Lake Erie. Cedar Springs

Link to Cedar Springs Research Station page

Horticulture Crops

Station location 5 is Elora on the map. It is located northwest of Guelph. Elora

Link to Elora Beef Research Station pageBeef

Link to Livestock Research & Innovation Centre – Dairy Facility pageDairy

Link to Arkell Swine Research Station pageSwine

Station location 5 is Elora on the map. It is located northwest of Guelph. Elora Link to Elora Research Station (Crop Science) pageField Crops    
Station location 6 is Emo on the map. It is located near Fort Frances. Emo

Link to EMO Agricultural Research Station page

Field Crops

Station location 7 is the Guelph Research Station on the map. It is located in the south end of Guelph. Huron

Link to Huron Research Station page

Field Crops

Station location 8 is Huron on the map. It is located just north of Centralia along Lake Huron. New Liskeard

Link to New Liskeard Beef Research Station page


Link to New Liskeard Agricultural Research Station page

Field Crops

Link to New Liskeard Horticulture Unit page

Horticulture Crops

Station location 9 is New Liskeard on the map. It is located near New Liskeard. Ponsonby

Link to Ponsonby General Animal Facility page

General Animal Facility

Link to Ponsonby Sheep Research Station page


Station location 10 is Ponsonby on the map. It is located just northwest of Guelph. Ridgetown

Link to Ridgetown Campus page

Field Crops

Station location 11 is Rdigetown Campus on the map. It is located southwest of London along Lake Erie. Simcoe

Link to Simcoe Research Station page

Horticulture Crops

Station location 12 is Simcoe on the map. It is located southwest of Hamilton in the town of Simcoe.


Link to Vineland Research and Innovation Centre page

Horticulture Crops

Station location 13 is Vineland on the map. It is located in the Niagara region. Winchester

Link to Winchester Agricultural Research Station page

Field Crops

Station location 14 is Winchester on the map. It is located southeast of Ottawa. Woodstock

Link to Woodstock Research Station page

Field Crops


*Vineland Research and Innovation Centre is operated independently of the Alliance.