Ontario Crops Research Centre - Huron

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Aerial image of field crops

The Ontario Crops Research Centre - Huron (previously known as the Huron Research Station) is located just north of Centralia and is operated by the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus. It is a remote research station, with 125 acres under cultivation, specializing in field crop weed management, agronomy and dry bean and soybean agronomy research. Of the 125 acres, 45 acres are used each year for research and the remaining acres are rotation crops to set up for the following years research.

The facility is owned by Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario and managed by U of G through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.

Research areas and outcomes

Research projects at the Ontario Crops Research Centre - Huron involve crop production and pest management in field crops. Weed management research involves investigating crop tolerance to herbicides for winter wheat, spring barley, field corn, soybean, spring wheat and dry beans.

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