KTT Funding Program: Getting Science Off the Shelf
Call status:
- KTT Research Stream – OPEN CALL
- KTT Mobilization Stream – OPEN CALL
- KTT Initiatives Stream – OPEN CALL
The Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Funding Program is designed to enable and enhance the positive impact of research.
The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance offers funding for three distinct kinds of KTT projects to amplify the use and benefit of research for Ontario’s agri-food sector and rural communities.
2025 Funding Call
- Call for applications open (Mobilization and Research Streams): March 18, 2025
- Town Hall Information Session: April 1st, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm, ANNU 141 and Teams - Join Teams Meeting here
- Full Proposal Submission Deadline: June 3rd, 2025, at 1 p.m.
Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT)
KTT is central to the Alliance’s commitment to ensuring Ontario’s agri-food sector and rural communities benefit from publicly funded research.
The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance defines KTT as the transformation of knowledge into use. KTT encompasses a variety of activities, tools and techniques focused on enhancing the use and benefit of research, including synthesis, exchange, engagement, dissemination, dialogue, collaboration and brokering among researchers and research users.
KTT can strengthen connections between researchers and research users to facilitate co-production, dissemination, uptake and application of research findings to enhance research impact.
Three Funding Streams
Projects must fit within one of three streams:
- KTT Research (KTT-R) - OPEN CALL
- Maximum project value: $150,000; Maximum project duration: Three (3) years; Maximum annual budget: $50,000.
- KTT-R Funding supports research projects that advance the science of knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) in Ontario’s agri-food and rural sectors. KTT-R projects must contribute to the scholarship of KTT by developing or assessing activities and/or approaches that support future evidence-informed KTT practice. Research projects advance the science of KTT by identifying and evaluating methods designed to enhance and accelerate the impact of research.
- View the KTT-R Program Guide.
- KTT Mobilization (KTT-M) - OPEN CALL
- Maximum project value: $50,000; Maximum project duration: Two (2) years; Maximum annual budget: $25,000
- KTT-M Funding supports the delivery of activities, products or services that drive knowledge into action and get research into practice for the benefit of Ontario and Ontarians. These activities include synthesis, exchange, engagement, dissemination, dialogue, collaboration and brokering between researchers and research users. KTT-M funding may be used to support projects that build collaborations, networks and capacity that move knowledge into use and encourage investment and engagement in research that supports Ontario’s agri-food sector and/or rural communities.
- View the KTT-M Program Guide.
- KTT Initiatives (KTT-I) - OPEN CALL
- Maximum project value: $5,000; Maximum project duration: One (1) year.
- KTT-I applications are accepted on an ongoing basis as funds are available; applications can be submitted at any time.
- KTT-I Funding provides up to $5,000 for an activity or product that translates and transfers research that benefits Ontario’s agri-food sector or rural communities, including pre-research engagement and partnership activities. Applications for KTT-I are accepted on an on-going basis.
- View the KTT-I Program Guide.
- Maximum project value: $5,000; Maximum project duration: One (1) year.
A project may only be submitted to ONE funding stream; applicants may not seek funding from multiple funding streams for the same project.
For more information on each funding stream, please review the stream-specific program guide.
Research Priorities
Eligible projects must relate to an established OMAFA research priority and demonstrate a high likelihood of contributing to the health, sustainability, and/or competitiveness of Ontario’s agri-food sectors and/or rural or Indigenous communities.
How to apply
Online Application System
The Alliance Research Program uses the Research Management System (RMS) for receiving and adjudicating research proposals.
If you have not used the RMS since October 2019, select “Forgot Password” on the RMS login page and enter your uoguelph.ca email address. Please contact rescoord@uoguelph.ca if you experience any difficulties logging in.
University of Guelph faculty members are eligible to be the Lead Applicant and/or a Co-Applicant on KTT Funding project. Adjunct faculty members may also apply if they are eligible to hold research funding at the University of Guelph and are not employed by or have a financial interest in any of the collaborating organizations or co-funders. Consult the program guide for more details.
Applicants must be fully compliant with all reporting requirements prior to a new proposal being reviewed under any Alliance Research Program.
Program Guides and Resources
- Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Program Guide – Research Stream
- Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Program Guide – Mobilization Stream
- Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Program Guide – Initiatives Stream
- Budget Template for Alliance KTT Funding Applications
- Sub-Award and CRA Budget Template
Past projects
Projects funded between 2020 and 2023
For more information, contact:
Knowledge Mobilization Manager, Office of Research, Agri-Food Partnership at kttadmin@uoguelph.ca.