Witch-Hunts and Popular Culture (HIST*3140) | College of Arts

Witch-Hunts and Popular Culture (HIST*3140)

Code and section: HIST*3140*DE

Term: Fall 2017

Instructor: Sierra Dye


Course Synopsis:

This course will explore the phenomenon of the ‘witch-hunts’ in early modern Europe through a focus on Scotland in the period of 1560-1700. In addition to placing the witch-hunts in their historical context by providing students with the background to Scotland’s political, religious, and social history in the early modern period, the course will introduce students to the considerable body of historical writing on the subject of witch-hunts and give them hands on experience with primary source documents in order to discuss specific witch trials themselves. Popular and elite conceptions of witchcraft will be explored, as well as gender history.

Methods of Evaluation and Weights:

Quizzes (5 @ 1% each):   5%
Unit Discussions (Unit 02 and Unit 05; 15% each):   30%
Short Essay Outline:  10%
Short Essay:  30%
Major Essay:  30%
Final Discussion (Unit 06):  5%
TOTAL:   100%


Texts and/or Resources Required Include All or Parts of:

Required Textbook

Title: Witch-Hunting in Scotland: Law, Politics and Religion

Author(s): Brian P. Levack

Edition / Year: 2008

Publisher: New York; London: Routledge

ISBN: 978-0-415-39943-2

Supplementary Textbook

Title: The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe

Author(s): Brian P. Levack

Edition / Year: 3rd edition, 2008

Publisher: London: Longman

ISBN: 978-0582419018

You may purchase the textbook at the Guelph Campus Co-op Bookstore or the University of Guelph Bookstore. Please note that DE textbooks are located in the Distance Education section of the University of Guelph Bookstore.




*Please note:  This is a preliminary web course description only.  The department reserves the right to change without notice any information in this description.  The final, binding course outline will be distributed in the first class of the semester.