The Art of the Book: With Clark Blaise and Friends | College of Arts

The Art of the Book: With Clark Blaise and Friends

Date and Time


Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, 358 Gordon St., Guelph



Beginning at 2:00 p.
m.. with art exhibits by Noreen Mallory and Ron Shuebrook and book displays
by Biblioasis, The Porcupine's Quill, and Red Kite Press, followed prompt
ly at 2:15 by the start of a roundtable discussion 'moderated' by J.R. (Tim)Struthers, of "The Visual in Art, the Visual in Literature" with Clark Bl
aise and Noreen Mallory and Ron Shuebrook, then a brief artist's talk by Ro
n Shuebrook at about 3:15.

Then at 4:00, following a break to enjoy theart and the books on display, to get books signed, and to visit at least
briefly with one another, a reading from his new book of stories, The Meag
re Tarmac (2011), by the eminent fiction writer, nonfiction writer, and a
rts administrator Clark Blaise, whose Selected Essays (2008) I had the grea
t pleasure of coediting -- a reading to be introduced by a short paper on Bl
aise by Governor-General's Award-winning critic Francois Pare.

And at 5:
00 p.m. (running until about 5:50 p.m), following another short break to lo
ok at the art and the books (and to get books signed), talks or readings bythe distinguished publisher Tim Inkster, by writer and critic and translat
or Stephen Henighan, by poet and story writer and critic Marianne Micros,
and finally, and very briefly, by the event's host, critic and interviewe
r and editor and small press publisher J.R. (Tim) Struthers.