DigiDo presents Software Carpentry with Pawel Pamorski, Fei Mao and Ed Armstrong | College of Arts

DigiDo presents Software Carpentry with Pawel Pamorski, Fei Mao and Ed Armstrong

Date and Time


Florence Partridge Room, 385, McLaughlin Library


$20 cost includes lunch.

Information and registration: https://computecanada.github.io/2016-02-06-uguelph/

This 2-day course will introduce students, faculty or staff to some basic tools for digital research: using the command line; managing text, data, or code in a github repository; and basic programming in the accessible Python language.

The course is open to all, but priority will be given to registrants from COA and CSAHS until January 25th.

Volunteers with skills in these areas who are interested in assisting in the course are welcome and should contact sbrown@uoguelph.ca.