The Ethics and Politics of Food presents Adam Sneyd & Alexander Legw egoh "Food Security Perscpectives in Central Africa" | College of Arts

The Ethics and Politics of Food presents Adam Sneyd & Alexander Legw egoh "Food Security Perscpectives in Central Africa"

Date and Time


MacKinnon room 304


Everyone Welcome.
Perspectives abound on how members of the Ce
ntral African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) - including Cameroon,Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea andGabon - can transcend food security challenges and threats. Drawing on rese
arch conducted on 4 recent field visits to Cameroon and upon an extensive co
ntent analysis, Sneyd and Legwegoh show how perspectives on the requisites
for food security in CEMAC differ, and why these divergent perspectives mat

Sponsored by 'Initiatives in Global Justice', and the Canada Rese
arch Chair in Ethics & Global Social Change

For details, contact MoniqueDeveaux, Department of Philosophy,