Fine Art, Music & Dining to benefit Guelph Youth Singers | College of Arts

Fine Art, Music & Dining to benefit Guelph Youth Singers

Date and Time


Cutten Fields


Singing of Madrigals by GYS Chamber Choir under the direction ofLinda Beaupre.
The Concord of Sweet Sounds: Renaissance Paintings of Sing
ers and Songs, an illustrated talk by Dr. Sally Hickson, SOFAM.
Fine Ita
lian Cuisine by Award Winning Chef, Mathew Brook.
Tickets $60 + donation
of minimum $60 per person for Sustainability Fund.
Tickets at www.guelphyo or send cheque to GYS Office, 75 Cardigan St., Guelph, ON
N1H 3Z7
RSVP by November 3.