Departmental Service Assignments 2018-19 | College of Arts

Departmental Service Assignments 2018-19

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Department chair
Patricia Sheridan

Philosophy Department Council
All regular faculty
Graduate Students Rep (1 TBA)
Undergraduate Students Rep (1 TBA)

Tenure and Promotion committee
Chair: Patricia Sheridan
Committee members: Peter Eardley, Monique Deveaux, Omid Payrow Shabani, John Russon
Mark Lipton, College Rep

Sessional Instructor Hiring committee
Chair: Patricia Sheridan
Committee members: Monique Deveaux, John Russon

Department representative on College Tenure and Promotion committee
Maya Goldenberg

Speaker series
Omid Payrow Shabani

Website committee
Don Dedrick (Fall); Stefan Linquist (Winter)

DE Coordinator
John Hacker-Wright

Graduate Coordinator
Andrew Wayne (Fall); Don Dedrick (Winter)

Graduate Studies Committee
Chair:  Andrew Wayne (Fall); Don Dedrick (Winter)
Committee members: Don Dedrick (Fall), Stefan Linquist (Winter), Karen Wendling, Janet Thackray
Graduate Students Rep: Josh Grant-Young

Graduate student awards
Monique Deveaux

PhD graduate placement
John Hacker-Wright

Curriculum committee
Chair: John Russon
Committee members: John Hacker-Wright, Peter Eardley, Karyn Freedman
Undergraduate Students: Alex Carty, Sierra Codeluppi

Undergraduate Advisors
Peter Eardley, Karyn Freedman

Diversity and Climate Committee
Chair: Maya Goldenberg

Social Media Coordinator
John Hacker-Wright